姓名 | 罗洲飞 | 性别 | 女 | |
职称 | 讲师 | 最高学历/学位 | 博士 | |
博导/硕导 | 硕导 | |||
研究领域与研究方向: 构建各种微萃取技术和色谱质谱联用技术分析植物天然产物 研制新型氧化石墨烯基纳米材料及应用 基于联用色谱体系开展植物天然产物同分异构体的手性分离 | ||||
个人所获荣誉: 宝威体育app官网学风建设优秀教师,2023年 全国大学生生命科学竞赛湖南赛区三等奖指导教师,2022年 全国大学生生命科学竞赛创新创业类二等奖指导教师,2022年 | ||||
学习与工作经历 2004.9-2008.6 本科 大连工业大学 生物工程 2009.9-2012.6 硕士 宝威体育app官网 生物学 2015.9-2018.6 博士 中南大学 化学 2018.7-至今 宝威体育app官网 | ||||
主讲课程: 植物生理与及实验技术 植物化学 | ||||
科研成果: [1] Luo, Z.F., Zhu X.X., Li H.,Jian Y.,Li W., Li H.O, Huang C, Wang R.Z, Xiao L.T.* Air-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction and enantioselective gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry quantification of methyl jasmonate stereoisomers in tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Reproduction and Breeding,2023, 3(1): 17-25. [2] Liao, Z.,Zi, Y., Zhou C.Y., Zeng W.Q., Luo W.W., Zeng H., Xia M.Q., Luo Z.F.*.Recent Advances in the Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Carbon Nanomaterials for the Removal of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(21): 13148. [3] Mengwei Xu, Chao Huang, Jing Lu, Zihan Wu, Xianxin Zhu, Hui Li, Langtao Xiao , Zhoufei Luo*. Optimizing Adsorption of 17α-Ethinylestradiol from Water by Magnetic MXene Using Response Surface Methodology and Adsorption Kinetics, Isotherm, and Thermodynamics Studies. 2021, Molecules, 26, 3150 [4] Zhoufei Luo, Mengwei Xu, Ruozhong Wang, Yongkang Huang, Langtao Xiao*. Magnetic Ti3C2 MXene functionalized with b-cyclodextrin as magnetic solid-phase extraction and in situ derivatization for determining 12 phytohormones in oilseeds by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.2021,Phytochemsistry,183,112611 [5] Zhoufei Luo, Jing Lu, Haipu Li*,Zhaoguang Yang*. Endocrine-disrupting compounds in the Xiangjiang River of China: Spatio-temporal distribution, source apportionment, and risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environment Saftety. 2019, 167, 476-484. [6] Zhoufei Luo, Jing Lu, Haipu Li*, Zhaoguang Yang*, Air-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction integrated with QuEChERS for determining endocrine-disrupting compounds in fish by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry.2018, 260, 174-182 [7] LUO Zhou-fei, YANG Yuan, WANG Liang-sheng*, LI Hai-pu*. Isolation of three cyanins from Lonicera caerulea L. fruits and its anticancer activity. Journal of Central South of China University. 2017, 24: 1573-1581. [8] Zhoufei Luo, Haipu Li*, Yuan Yang, Huiju Lin, Zhaoguang Yang*. Adsorption of 17α-ethinylestradiol from aqueous solution onto are duced graphene oxide-magnetic composite. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2017, 80: 797-804. | ||||
科研项目: [1] 湖南省自然科技厅, 湖南省自然科学青年基金, 2021JJ40243, 基于纳流液相色谱质谱联用技术分析水稻腋芽中的独脚金内酯, 2021-01 至 2023-12, 5 万元, 在研, 主持; [2]湖南省教育厅, 湖南省教育厅优青项目, 21B0204, 基于活体固相微萃取技术研究水稻中的独脚金内酯的定量分析, 2021-09 至 2023-09, 5 万元,在研,主持; [3] 水环境与农产品安全湖南省重点实验室开放基金,基于固相微萃取探针与纳流液质联用技术研究水稻中独脚金内酯的活体原位测定,1 万元,在研, 主持; [4]国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 32170529, 三种蜘蛛毒素多肽作用于1-NMDAR的镇痛功能与机制研究, 2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 57 万元,参与。 | ||||
联系方式: zhoufeiluo@hunau.edu.cn |
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