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2016, 宝威体育app官网科学技术奖 二等奖


2018, 校优秀教师




2021 12 -至今                    宝威体育app官网生命科学与技术学院,教授

201010 -202112   宝威体育app官网生命科学与技术学院,副教授

20192-9      美国纽约州立大学上州医科大学神经与生理学博士后

20136-201511   美国德州大学MD Anderson Cancer Center 访学副教授

2009 3 -201010  宝威体育app官网生命科学与技术学院,讲师

2005 -2008 12   湖南师范大学生命科学学院,获博士学位

2002 -2005    宝威体育app官网生物科学与技术学院,获硕士学位









1、 Jiayu Wu, Shengmei Yang, Junqiang Liu, Zhongfan Zheng, Ming Lei, Pei Zhang, Lukas Stingelin,Jinjun Chen*, Lizhi Xiong*, Haijun Tu*. (2022)GABAergic Neuromuscular Junction Suppresses Intestinal Defense of Caenorhabditis elegans by Attenuating Muscular Oxidative Phosphorylation.ACS Chem Neurosci. 2022 Dec 7;13(23):3427-3437. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.2c00435.*Corresponding authorQ1

2、 Yu Liu,Jinjun Chen, Rachel Sager, Erika Sasaki and Huaiyu Hu. (2022)Interactions between C8orf37 and FAM161A, Two Ciliary Proteins Essential for Photoreceptor Survival.International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022 Oct 10;23(19):12033. doi: 10.3390/ijms231912033.

3、 Jie Luo§, Yiying Ding§, Zhihao Peng, Kezhi Chen, Xuewen Zhang, Tiaoyi Xiao,Jinjun Chen*  (2021) Molecular diversity and evolutionary trends of cysteine‑rich peptides from the venom glands of Chinese spiderHeteropoda venatoria.Scientific Reports (2021) 11:3211 DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-82668-5 Q1

4、 Jinjun Chen *, Zihao Liu , Yisong Liu , Xuewen Zhang , Jianguo Zeng * (2021)Preliminary investigations on the pathogenesis-related protein expression profile of the medicinal herbMacleaya cordata and anti-bacterial properties of recombinant proteins.Phytochemistry 184 (2021) 112667Q1

5、 Jinjun Chen*, Shengmei Yang, Shuang Liang, Fangjia Lu, Keren Long, Xuewen Zhang (2020). In Vitro Synergistic Effects of Three Enzymes fromBacillus subtilis CH-1 on Keratin Decomposition.3 Biotech (2020)10:159 DOI: 10.1007/s13205-020-2143-4Q3

6、 Jinjun Chen§, Lingyong Li§, Shao-Rui Chen§, Hong Chen, Jing-Dun XieRita E. Sirrieh, David M. MacLean, Yuhao Zhang, Meng-Hua Zhou, Vasanthi Jayaraman, and Hui-Lin Pan* (2018). "The alpha2delta-1-NMDA Receptor Complex Is Critically Involved in Neuropathic Pain Development and Gabapentin Therapeutic Actions." Cell Rep 22(9): 2307-2321.§Contributed Equally (F1000Prime推荐)DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.02.021Q1

7、 Fang Qu, Qingwang Chen, Yiying Ding, Zihao Liu, Yan Zhao, Xuewen Zhang, Zikui Liu,Jinjun Chen*(2018). Isolation of a feather-degrading strain of bacterium from spider gut and the purification and identification of its three key enzymes. Molecular Biology Reports, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-018-4311-8Q3

8、 Qingyang Liu, Keren Long, Fangjia Lu,Jinjun Chen*. 2017. Biodegradation and antibacterial activity of a feather-degrading strain of bacterium.Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology9 (2017) 195–200*Corresponding author

9、 Jinjun Chen*, Hui-Lin Pan.Dissecting molecular architecture of post-synaptic density at excitatory synapses: An Editorial Highlight for 'Hierarchical organization and genetically separable subfamilies of PSD95 postsynaptic supercomplexes' on page 504. J Neurochem. 2017 Aug;142(4):500-503. doi: 10.1111/jnc.14084. Epub 2017 Jul 25. Q1

10、 Qingyang Liu, Tiehan Zhang, Nan Song, Qian Li, Zhi Wang, Xuewen Zhang, Xiangyang Lu, Jun Fang,Jinjun Chen*. Purification and characterization of four key enzymes from a feather-degrading Bacillus subtilis from the gut of tarantulaChilobrachys guangxiensis International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 96Dec,(2014) 26-32  DOI:10.1016/j.ibiod.2014.08.008 *Corresponding authorQ1

11、 Mingqiang Rong§,Jinjun Chen§, Huai Tao§, Yuanyuan Wu, Peng Jiang, Ming Lu, Yupeng Chi, TianfuCai, Haibo Su, Liqunzhao,  Xiongzhi Zeng, Yucheng Xiao and Songping Liang. 2011. Molecular basis of the tarantula toxinβ-TRTX-Cj1a interacting with Voltage Sensors in sodium channel subtype Nav1.5. FASEB J. 2011 Sep;25(9):3177-85. §ContributedEqually Q1

12、 Yongqun Zhang§,Jinjun Chen§, Xing Tang§, Fan Wang, Liping Jiang, Xia Xiong, Meichi Wang, MingqiangRong, Zhonghua Liu, Songping Liang 2010.Transcriptome analysis of the venom glands of the Chinese wolf spider Lycosasingoriensis. Zoology.113: 10-18,§ ContributedEqually Q1

13、 Jinjun Chen, Meichun Deng,Quanyuan He, Er Meng, Liping Jiang, Zhi Liao, MingqiangRong, XinGuang andSongping Liang. 2008. Molecular diversity and evolution of cystine knot toxins of the tarantulaChilobrachysjingzhao.Cell Mol Life Sci 65(15): 2431-44. Q1

14、 Jinjun Chen,Liqun Zhao, Liping Jiang, ErMeng, Yongqun Zhang, Xia Xiong andSongping Liang. 2008. Transcriptome analysis revealed novel possible venom components and cellular processes of the tarantulaChilobrachysjingzhao venom gland.Toxicon.52: 794-806.Q2

15、 Jinjun Chen,Yongqun Zhang,MingqiangRong, LiqunZhao,Liping Jiang andSongping Liang. 2009.Expression and characterization of Jingzhaotoxin-34, a novel neurotoxin from the venom of the tarantulaChilobrachysjingzhao Peptides.30(6): 1042–1048Q2

16、 Liping Jiang,Jinjun Chen,Li Peng, Yongqun Zhang, Xia Xiong and Songping Liang.2008. Genomic organization and cloning of novel genes encoding toxin-like peptides of three superfamilies from the spiderOrinithoctonushuwena.Peptides.29(10):1679-84.


17、 董琳,张亦雅,陈金军*. 新型镇痛靶点α2δ-1-NMDAR稳定表达细胞株构建及镇痛药物筛选的应用。生物工程学报2022, 38(03) 1149-1158  DOI:10.13345/j.cjb.210162

18、 瞿芳,陈可之,陈金军*.  电压门控钙通道辅助亚基α2δ-1的结构和分子药理. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报2020. 36 (8): 872-878  

19、 宋南,邵婕,刘子昊,徐子龙,许琪瑶,张学文,陈金军*. α防御素5在酿酒酵母中的分泌表达及其活性分析. 生命科学研究2017 21(6):471-476

20、 邵婕,潘娇,瞿芳,刘子昊,丁易颖,罗莎,张学文,陈金军*蜘蛛多肽毒素JZTX-51JZTX-26的重组表达和纯化生物工程学报. 2018. 34(10):1668-78 DOI: 10.13345/j.cjb.170529

21、 陈金军*周漠,蔡淑娴,张学文.大学生科创活动与创新创业能力培养研究——以宝威体育app官网为例,《文化创新比较研究》2018年第35期,93-95

22、 余仁许雅婷陈金军*,王晓丽张永鑫. 2016年湖南地区副猪嗜血杆菌大肠杆菌的耐药性检测[J].中国兽医杂志,2019,55(02):70-71.

23、 李骞,许琪瑶,宋南,龙可人,张学文,陈金军*罂粟科植物防御素的预测及生物信息学分析《作物研究》201406

24、 梁海勇,李骞,陈金军* 蜘蛛毒素研究进展《检验医学与临床》2013年第19

25、 陈金军* 实验教学中对大学生责任感的培养,《中国科教创新导刊》201135

26、 徐子龙,龙可人,李祥富,陈金军* 角蛋白降解的研究现状及应用《生物化工》2017477-83



27、 一种枯草芽孢杆菌,专利号:201110443948.0,发明人:陈金军,胡能渊,张铁瀚;公开(公告)号: CN102517235A,公开(公告)日: 2012.06.27

28、 一种重组博落回防御素功能蛋白及其制备方法与应用,专利号:ZL 201710197399.0,发明人:陈金军,宋南,李骞;授权公告号:CN 106811473 B授 权公告日:2018.05.29

29、 一种羽毛降解液用于铬处理的方法,专利号:ZL 201811464268.5, 发明人:陈金军,瞿芳,张学文,邹鹤飞授权公告号:CN 109604324 B 授权公告日:2020.12.18

30、 含重组白额高脚蛛毒素多肽的抗菌组合物及其应用,专利号:ZL 202010993050.x,发明人:陈金军,彭志豪,赵茜,授权公告号:CN 112075429 B,授权公告日:2021.8.13.

31、 一种枯草芽孢杆菌互补培养的菌种加密性菌剂生产方法,专利号:ZL 201810316006.8,发明人:张学文,陈金军,赵燕,罗慧敏,黄丽华,高晗授权公告号:CN 108531435 B授权公告日:2020-09-22

32、 重组白额高脚蛛毒素多肽及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 202010993055.2,发明人:陈金军,刘子昊,刘学良,朱伟仙,授权公告号:CN 112028981 B,授权公告日:2022.3.15.

33、 一种稳定共表达CACNA2D1、GRIN1和GRIN2B的人胚肾细胞株及其构建方法,专利号:ZL201911296184.X,发明人:陈金军,唐威,杨圣梅,潘惠麟,张学文,周铁安授权公告号:CN 111304170 B,授权公告日:2022.5.13.

34、 一种人胚肾细胞株在药物筛选中的应用,专利号:ZL201911296185.4,发明人:陈金军,杨圣梅,汤超奇,张学文,潘惠麟 授权公告号:CN 110878330 B,授权公告日:2022.5.13 


1、蜘蛛毒素杀虫活性肽筛选及其作用机制研究 30900242,国家自然科学基金,2010.1- 2012.12,主持

2、敬钊缨毛蛛消化液中蛋白多肽分子多样性研究,10B049,湖南省教育厅,2010.7- 2013.7,主持

3、白额高脚蛛毒液杀虫活性研究,宝威体育app官网人才引进项目,2010 – 2015,主持

4、蜘蛛肠道共生菌Bacillus subtilis CH-1 降解羽毛的分子酶学机制研究 14JJ3093,湖南省自然科学基金项目,2014.1-2016.12,主持

5、草鱼转录因子CDX2 SP1 调控肠道PepT1 转运小肽的分子机理研究 C190401,国家自然科学基金,2014.1-2017.12,第二





10 绿原酸防止肝癌的分子机制研究2019JJ40134湖南省自然科学基金:2019.1-2021.12第二




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